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Games are one of the most popular features of social networking sites these days, and they may be played on handheld game devices, personal computers, or smartphones almost continuously. Rich parallel universes, multiple characters, and sophisticated plots have become commonplace in video games. Introverted children and teens may discover that connecting with “actual” peers may be avoided by communicating primarily with other online gamers, posing as characters with astonishing abilities and gifts.
Despite possible negative stereotypes around video games, gaming is not universally seen as a hazardous or addictive pastime. Some experts believe that labeling those who are merely interested in gaming as addicted is damaging. Many individuals, including parents, believe that video games can be beneficial, helping players develop their imagination, collaborative skills, and strengthen their cognitive skills. However, the benefits of gaming appear to be less definite when young people spend the majority of their time playing video games, neglecting academics, physical activity, family events, or other activities.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is one form of therapy that can help. This form of therapy teaches individuals how to replace negative thoughts surrounding gaming and addiction with positive ones. Additionally, CBT could equip individuals with coping skills to deal with the urge to play. In CBT, an individual is also taught to set goals related to reducing addiction and gaming behaviours, and techniques to improve their interactions with family members.
If you have trouble setting boundaries as a parent of a child who games, a therapist can also teach you how to establish boundaries during your child’s gaming time.
Video game support groups could be an effective treatment technique. Individuals in this situation undergo group therapy with others who have been diagnosed with gaming problems as well to form a support group.
One form of medication that has lately been utilized to treat this type of condition is bupropion. The medicine alters the chemistry of the brain, which aids in the reduction of video game addictions. This method may not be for everyone, even though it has proven to be pretty effective. Others may opt to use medication only when it is absolutely required, treating symptoms as they arise.
Children and adults may try these tips to keep the amount of time they spend gaming under control: