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Creative Expressions: Mindful Art Making

Creative Expressions promises a one-of-a-kind experience delivered through the purest form of human expression– art. It is specially curated to encourage and facilitate positive prosocial interactions, allow for creative expression and communication using the art process, and support emotional expression and downregulation through the art materials and art making.

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Led by our professional Art Therapist, Shanli, these self-explorative and healing sessions will help you uncover hidden parts of yourself, grow more in touch with your emotions and foster a stronger sense of identity through unique mediums of art.

At the end of these sessions, we aim to empower you to:

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  • Build positive relationships with others and experience a sense of belonging
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  • Developed a sense of agency through personal creative expressions
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  • Learn new ways of managing your emotions and communicating your thoughts

Price: $480 per package (8 sessions prepaid)

Session dates:

  • 31 August
  • 7 September
  • 21 September
  • 28 September
  • 5 October
  • 12 October
  • 19 October
  • 26 October


Time: 11.00am - 12.30pm, Saturday

Themes covered: Safety, Gratitude, Grounding, Boundaries, Mindfulness, Self-care & Emotions. (Not in any particular order)

  • Session outline:
  • *1.5hr / 90 mins each session*
  • 20 mins: Art based warm up activity
  • 50 mins: Main directive based on suggested theme
  • 20 mins: Closing reflection & group sharing/discussion
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