Everyone Deserves To Blossom
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Ever find yourself being overly cautious in certain situations? Paranoid thoughts happen when we worry about what others think of us, particularly when we are caught in vulnerable and stressful situations.
Most people, when paranoid, understand that their thoughts are extreme and dismiss them eventually. However, when an individual finds that his or her paranoid feelings happen all the time without reason and are interfering with his or her way of life, this could indicate the presence of a disorder. This disorder is known as Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD).
The key characteristic of PPD is mistrust and suspicion of others without a valid reason. As individuals believe that others harbour bad motives and will harm them, they are highly vigilant to physical, verbal, or social attacks. These ungrounded beliefs interfere with their daily functioning, hindering their ability to form close relationships due to the absence of trust.
PPD often begins in early adulthood and is more frequently diagnosed in males than females. The prevalence of PPD is estimated to be between 2.3% and 4.4% of the general population.
The underlying issue in PPD focuses on the absence of justification for paranoia. For an individual to be diagnosed with PPD, he or she should present symptoms of mistrust or suspiciousness since early adulthood and in a variety of contexts. Additionally, the symptoms should not occur exclusively during another psychotic disorder and are not due to direct physiological effects of a general medical condition.
While the causes of PPD are not yet fully established, it is believed to be contributed by a combination of biological and psychological factors.
Persons with PPD are initially reluctant to seek psychological help due to their suspicion about mental health professionals. However, when treatment is sought, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is generally implemented.