Everyone Deserves To Blossom
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Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the result of a combination of symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Such episodes of depression may occur either once or several times in a lifetime. A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.
A major depressive episode is a serious medical issue in which the person is profoundly impacted by the symptoms of depression. Without proper treatment, such episodes can recur repeatedly. Those who have major depression need help, so they can end the current episode and keep new episodes from taking hold. However, such individuals may not be capable of asking for that help on their own.
Minor depression, also known as everyday depression to some, is another medical issue of concern. Individuals with minor depression may not get help because they have the impression that their symptoms are not severe enough. Such individuals may still be able to go to work, handle home obligations, and otherwise lead a relatively normal life, but deep down, they are struggling and they need help. Proper treatment should be sought after in hopes of a full recovery.
Two main treatments are available for MDD: Medication and Psychotherapy.
Many types of antidepressants are available, such as those below. Please do discuss possible major side effects with your doctor or pharmacist.
Psychotherapy is a general term for treating depression by talking about your condition and related issues with a mental health professional. Different types of psychotherapy can be effective for depression, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Interpersonal Therapy. Psychotherapy can help you: